
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ginger Or Segway Transporter

Ginger is a brilliant invention created by Dean Kamen in the year 2001. There was a bit of mystery around this invention but once it was demonstrated, its ability was appreciated world wide.
The segway transporter is an electric power transportation machine. It is basically a personal human transporter; it uses five gyroscopes and built in computer. The segway can move at a speed of 12mph and it has no brakes. The speed and the directions can be controlled manually by the rider shifting weight and with the help of handlebars.
So far the public demonstrations have shown that segway can easily travel through grass, pavement and minute obstacles. Sensors in segway control the movement of segway. When the person moves forward, the sensors detect the motion of the rider and thus enable the segway to move forward and if the rider pushes backwards the segway moves backwards. One battery costs 10 cents and lasts for almost about 15 miles so the fuel for the machine is very affordable.

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